The End of the Universe: Universal Verses2: Read online
Copyright M.Stow13
2013 Copyright M.Stow13
EarthCentre: The End of The Universe: Universal Verses 2: The Centre of The Universe:
2.1. Universal-Hologram Hyper –Cuboid Cupid
2.2. PlayGround
2.3. Arcadia!
2.4. Passing-by as through...
Universal Verses 3: The Edge of The Universe:
Substrate…Breathing in Water. 3.1. The Sea 3.2.Dissipate. 3.3. Return. 3.4. Planet. 3.5. A Potent Potion 3.6. Larger than Lived...RNA/DNA/SEX 3.7. EndGame. 3.8. Growing and Changing. 3.9. Sun and Moon. 3.10. The Vibrant-Stage.
EarthCentre: The End of The Universe: Universal Verses 2: The Centre of The Universe.
2.1. Universal-Hologram Hyper –Cuboid Cupid
Not solid, nor liquid, yet, but gaseous
Relative-singularities cluttering mis-shapen
Clustering-plasma inside and out round and around again and again:
-Spiraling centring-Neutron…
-Proton switched White-Star…
-Universal Black-Star…
-Radiating-neutrino diminishing-nothingness…
-Radio-active inter-acting particles remaining…
-Inspiral tailing binary-points…
-Doubling The Universe:
-Each time triturating split-nucleus…
Inside and outward bound:
-First-Generation hyper-noval molten-iron stars…
-Core-collapsed and expanded super-noval Second-Generation…
-Galactic-globular barred and spiraling stars…
-Planetary-dust and gas-cloud…
Matters of indifference by any radian-degree removed
The exact ingredients proportionate:
-For All of Us! To bring Us Here as Now!
Then. Then: computorial-elegance of the Largest and smallest kind:
-The-Universe it-self: in totality of all it’s parts…
Itself, as Ourselves…
And emptiness
And without
Every degree between: To: The End:
-Ever altering degrees-of-spin:
-Of Relative-relationship…
-Of Space and Time.
-In Equality…
-Off-balance and inequality…
-Of Time and Nature.n Quantum-quality and perfect before…
-The-Event: Q-Thruster vacuum...
-The Universe.
-And Ourselves…
Totaling ever more or less
Than the previous moment-naturally
By the more or less received
Received differently
By margin of degree understood and not
-Never purely-Good afterwards only good-enough…
-With near-perfection seeking in-nothingness…
-Cupid! Stupid! Of Mars and Venus…of EarthCentre! Quantum-Computer: The Universe.
-For Itself…
-As We…
-For Ourselves
Alone. As The Great Black-Dog guarding
The Computer Operator…
-Out-feeding some maybe silver or Gold?
-Some-Plutonium. Uranium?
-Hydrogen? Fission and Fusion…
-Fusion and Fission…
-The Oxygen of Life!
-Unnecessary-Evils: The Good…
-Everything-else: Just Doing Our Own Thing:
-Gravitationally-mechanical automaton:
-Weaker and Stronger…
-Power! Rangers!
-Force and innocence…
-The Measurers!
And only now to be made and continue Being-made.
Making Ourselves and All Else:
-Already there…here and now:
-Quantum Quark-computer:
-The Universe…
For itself
As We
For Ourselves idealistic-fictional naturalistic-judgmental Pejorative-ships following corroded plagued-paths…
As inevitably sunk in a storm.
Over-reaching too-timid too-late false-Prophet.
From ambition as fanaticism-alone
As failing in: The End isolated and tragic
Unless successfully passing-on…
In perpetuity. Now! Again complex-complex
To be made and continue:
-Oblivious as making of Ourselves…
-And All Else.
Glass-beaded crystal-chandelier jingling jangling
Stilled silenced auditorium silver-shimmering
Glancing chiming winded spherical mirror-wall
Dimly-lit; safety-lighted exit-and-entry points
A crackling static surroundings- lit mirror-ball.
Paneling-dark wood closed-Walled Room.
Between dark-strange energies limbo
Pulling and pushing this way and that
At Each corner-points the space inside-indeterminable.
Exacting around the outside indeterminate…
Moving-point converging-floor and ceiling-walls:
-Holographic-cavity resonating…
-Hyper-cuboidal and cuboid beyond-that…
Within Encircling inner-and-outer relatively large-scale
Each to Each Other avowing
Dissonant consonant-accretion
Open-mouthed voweling avowed
To Be: The Perfect-Sphere of-Influence
Disturbing the-silence-within.
Crackling between and amongst.
Resting-pausing…a-while for a further moment-in
Simmering linear-lit points snapping crackling-across…
Tearing split-breaking broken-in.
The same-moment decaying in-direction of travel-and-pitch.
Between formation annihilation and transformation…
A tunneling corridor-sounding…buzzing…
Re-sounding One-Way only One Way-Out
Alarmed at The-End. Another room seen-in
Or along another passageway branching-off…
Looking-through and along where flashes of phosphor-light leapt
through…towards louder and softer shimmering
Glaring blaring pulling-in lightning
Thundering Origin-Echo laic corridor with auto-firedoor’s
And slamming closed by-themselves.
Valved with different-voices pitched amplifying
Channels and chamber’s flapping-curtains
Hollow organs sounding thumping thudding…
Repeatedly sounds from no-where
And everywhere as all-around…
-Electro-mechanically programming logic-screens:
Interfacing cupboards full of culture
Information: history…library-games
Going-on Space-Travel journeying:
-Nuclear Solar-energy…
With creative-altruism: Love and Hate inside and outwardly as if delivering threat and accusation fear and loathing felt.
Oddly-weirdly calmly-charming strange-voices
br /> Elegantly-singing exotically-elegiac beatifically hauntingly mysterious-rooms…cellar below-stairs above invisible standing on hot-coals attic-above window-frame drapes blowing inward letting in shafts of light…
Faster and faster picture-beamed
From outside as a window-opened
Converged light and merged in one sweeping-pattern:
-Orbital-sphere squared-triangulating…
Contracting contradicting outer-felt pressure
In-movement sound and light through Space.
While at The-Centre…gone.
Where Each of Us stands-still or seated strapped-in
Stripped-down not-moving or knowing barely
But watching all the same
Through white-light Fire! the un-uttering darkness except
Eyes’ moving...ear drum-beat moved.
Segmented split-apart to reveal the content
Peering-out listening-out for felt-touches
As seeming-waters’ flooding
As a cool-conditioning shafts of bright-colour:
-Of every-colour…
And by-immersion-in and in-between…
Each of Us an invisible-field again neutral but now double-
positive-returning negative-switching grabbing sounds-emanate:
-Howling! from who knows where...
Bones-rattled lidded from the outside sprung-open
Split-slightly sutured then fully as The-Ceiling Sky opened:
-Approximately 3×108 miles/s or One Great-Step…
-As currently the maximum =-recorded Speed of Light…
-Slowing as The-Universe faster expands…
-Cosmic foot-stride: This Universe…
-To Di-Atom Sky…
-Algid Alga-laic revealing:
-Silica-pregnated wall:
-Brachio-pod mollusk snail-shaped…
-Base-box grounded-opened hinged gated…
Unhinged discarded
Trailing rooted and sprouted.
Soaking-in and spreading-out as internal-feelings
Worries concerns interests…
All thought from the outside
Of the inside-welling
Swelling attached Each of Us
Rooted moved unknowingly hardly
Seemingly in-waves around the empty-Space
By a hair's breadth separated.
Hardly knowing-ourselves or our surroundings...
Except through a watery-mirror or mirrors
Numbering-off into-a-distance and closeness…
Unrecognizable scarcely through what seemed like a-sewer
Waste-material of all kind:
-In Our-Own! dirty-water...
-Dead! Bacterial...viral...
And light flooded-confluence…
-With The First Hyper-Galactic Stars…
-Super-Galactic Stellar Globular-Clustering…
Whirlpool-gusting flung-out and around:
Re-forming colliding and moving-apart.
Evacuate-vacuum remaining
Electron-tube vacating pulling-anode and pushing
Pullulating cathode-ray tube:
Picturing opening and closing in-parts steaming streaming-ports
Dumping and replacing frenetic light-energy
Raining as through a prism moving-beacons...
Beams-of-light scattering and splintering-off
As constantly moving moved as violently clashing
As vibrantly-balancing as seemingly peaked-dropping
-By Our Own volition…
-Each of Us…defending-Ourselves! controlled-aggression…
-Play-Up! Sport! Play The-Game!
Lit-up empty space-collided foundling-floundered
Foundering foundered-clustering:
-Atomic-Solar Galaxies…
Repeated deep dull-thudding rumbling
Crackling and Roar!ing hissing and popping
-In triplicate…