The End of the Universe: Universal Verses2: Page 2
For now
For safety and moved gradually-together…
With increasing outward-circling velocity:
Yet continuously twice and thirded and a quarter-distanced
Apart and around and-in and collided-yet-again:
-As so-many Galaxies...
-Star’s Planet’s...Moon’s…
As each resplendent became incandescence
Arced sparked-off iridescent multifarious-display
Dotted the space patched-darkly where brief spangles had been.
Emission and reflection remission flecks-and-fragment remnant-traces
Each devolved spark affectively yielding
Wheeling-cycloidal cyclonal
Defective as at different-risen and speeded-descent
Ascending bitter-coldness
With sweet-warmth to a more-or-less variant
Alteration defaulting viable-effect.
Each shattering sensational effervescence
It seemed could have brought an end to it all
As instantaneously as it all started
In ignominious yet spectacular-end.
Yet the unremitting display continued-unabated:
-The closer-the-Radiance…
-The Greater-the-Trepidation
As to what may occur in-the-rapture of moving-moments…
Tainted once more with uncertainty...
-Into: Fantastic-Worlds! Universes! The-Universe!
Backward projected imploding-exploding
-On The Minds’ Eye…
From All-corners blasting lightening…
To the back of:
-The Universal-Brain!
Throwing-out Thunder-bolts furious yet delicate.
Beautiful yet frightening…
Unpredictable capricious…searing-balled
Crashing forked-away.
As a-Choice made or half-Chance…half-choice…
Less or more of Others’ choices too…
Between One and Other
-Half-and half…almost…
-To The Included-Middle:
-All at-Once!
-Together as now apart…
Sharing-out generously:
-The Universal-Space.
2.3. Arcadia!
Activity: radiowave-televisual traversing, momentarily-delaying
-Fast de-Fusing!
-Slow re-fusing...
Space crackling...cracked-coded and flashed red-hot radioactive:
-Two and Three-dimensional now cinematic- televisual photo-electromagnetic waves...
-Four-dimensional moving Quantum-direction relative…
-Space and Time as ripples in a Giant-Tank dense-knots…
Of hot amongst cold spaces: Universal-Zero to a maximum-Speed of Light… slowing even now the space expanding stretching everything farther and faster apart…
-Of This-Universe…
Hot-gas packed-particles’ igniting ignited...
-Started! Beginnings…
-To none.
Still gasping gaping-staged
As seen soaring diffusing-distribution
Agitated-agitating taking-in a deep-breath…
Fielding slower-colder alternately compacting-inside
Friction-heated as thinning-out
Spread and conjoined or blasted-apart...
Within all-possible possibilities
Probabilities’.curtains-pulled aside
Lifted or dropped swung-aside
On the particular-possible…
Room-space corridor particles-firing
Through compacted gunpowder-filled
Metalled-barrel and bullet-facing outward.
Windowless either side doorless now…
Ammunition-belt strapped blasts and shafts-of-fire
Into the now-filled cavity-created moving visible-spliced
Curling-off light-photon spraying oscillate
-Universal spheroidal-conic Vortex.
Superfluid-condensing compounding…
Abrasive grey-misting low-conductive internally-ordering
Chaotic outer-workings light-centred conic rounding
Quasar-flashing through as of:
-Open-flask extended vortices-meting…
-Meeting various melting-point…
-Trillions of Them: Us! Spotlighted:
Focused footlights trailing-across and contrary-edging
Into massively centric and concentric eccentric freely-passing circuit.
Split-sutured unevenly iron-clumped
Spat fire frozen-melded incessantly friction-smelt…
Mountainous-maintaining gauze-wired granular-swollen
Cavern-opening candle-lit aflame as:
-Super-Noval starry-skies…
In-passing through and with-distinction instinctively named:
-The Blue-Planet...
-Not yet...
Around celestial-dance amongst the-wilded the-tamed
Hybrid-devolved evolving-the-mechanical
As if on invisible fixed cogs and gearings…
A Lightning bolt of the God’s
Devil’s toe-nail pointed…
-Of the Heavens’ scaling-beams…
-The footings…handling…
A-coming together.
At the heart seemingly arbitral yet blood-splattered
-Black holed stellar-Galactic…
-Dark-Energy; and Matter…
On closer-inspection: Volcanic cold-collapsing mountainous Sand-dunes pouring dust hill-grave
Grit and gravel screed-shuttling volatile subtly activating-emanation
Of-the-very-substance impressing
Against the-mediating fabricating:
Heat-convecting light re-fracting
Defracting interference-pattern sounded around:
-The Edge of The-Universe…
-Each of Us!
Fractious sounded as a-bells’ ringing wringing reverberations
As of The Body-itself:
-The Outer-Universe…
-The inner-workings…
Flyblown-pulsar stereo-polar bi-optic stereo-phonic:
-Spinning Neutron-Proton Stars!
Three-dimensional pyramidal quadraphonic:
-Combining loop-ringing: Binary-pulsar…
Periodically-flashing gravity-amplified electro-magnetic
With linked-entanglement of momentum and position
With immediate tendentious-sequencing
Each-point within many appeared still
-At The Speed of Light...
-Equal to…in This Universe...
-Variable non-constant…
-More or less?
Spinning-orbital clouding clouded…
-With apparently co-incidental alignment-working…
-Worked-harder now and in-evitably slower-now…
-Each-in-the-circumstances more likely…
-Than the previous-dipping stellar-galactic b
-Steady-state Speed-of-Travel as Speed-of-Light:
-Sun and Moon…
Zodiacal-cycle circling passing-by…
Not less or more likely
The-Sky’s Firmament-winged:
-Crash-landed west…
-Into: The Sun.
-As out the otherside…
Moving…fixing seasonal landscape carting-picnic, and a journey started-out…as at a vast-sea above
And now below.
Ocean-laked stretched-labyrinthine three-dimensional maze
Many-headed monstrous serpent-guarded.
Coiling Thunderbird-Dragon
As a shadow-storm worming-snaking...
Around rock-risen turned.
Landlocked and pulled and pushed
Back and forth churned the swirling-Ocean.
Questing-immortal Flood-Hero
Seeking The-Life
That will never be found.
-The Perfect-Whole…Universe! Universal-Existence!
Everything only knowable that by that motion
That links everything and yet like everything else
Is it’s Self-linked between everything within moving-almost…
Nothing-at-all. False-dawn dust colour-blurring
Yellow-red to blue-violet and green:
-Worm-holing jelly wobbling through…
-The Universal-Smile!
Rising-ringed mirroring extended-encampment.
Canopy-tent of heart neck tail as legs as hairy-head and stomach
Conic-vortex cylindrical intestinal…
Face and palms-ahead and held together:
-Proteinous looping-programmatic…
Cruel-sharp and horrible-Pain of-Battle
Of The-Sorcerers’ weaponry ghosting small-craft
Slyly mixed-knowledge sweet-delicate tastes swallowed acid-souring.
Friendly roomed-Palace market-Temple Prison: rooftop-wall
On Mountain-peak water-well beneath cloudy…
Granite-rock fallen thrown down triumphal arched pillared
Below The-Sea:
-Below The-Ocean:
-The-Ocean…The World’s Egg calcium-boned metal-materiel centring-edged…
Crusted encrusted iron-cored calcite and below:
-Dust-clouded EarthCentres!
-Solar-System stellar…
-Ashen Milky Galactic!
-Of The-Conscious…
-The conscience…
- One and Only-One!
To reign-Supreme:
- Of All the-Others:
Battling it-out musical-sirens…
Chorusing as of-The-Angels bewitching:
-Mothering-Nature: EarthCentre and Moon child…
-Venus…and Mars.
As with The-Sisterine
The-Fraternal Brothers.
Hooded in Each and Every-One:
-The Next-Generation…
Conjoined-childrening familiar-familial survival-striving...
Thriving fighting clashing filicidal-separation…
Bellied-ballooning Bacchanalia:
-Allotting-death holding The Key-to-Life.
-The Gods
-The Furies’ angry and vengeful:
-The One God...
-...and the One-Devil? Unloving!
-Everything! In All of Us!
And All of Us moving-against and amongst:
-The patient-God...
-...and between Heaven and Hell...
-And in-between...
-Out-living Oblivion…
Mysterious-vortice opening and closed-around
Seen-fielded ordered out-there and in-here
Gravitating-polarized spinning-off drawn-in and spat-out.
Light-amassed held-Matter
-The Universal-Space.
Receiving emitting heated and crackling-lighted
Frenzy-scattering, and re-appearing with cosmic-light-echo:
-The Cosmic Universal…
-We! Background…
Dissipated further-ahead compressed and cascading
In the only occupied-interval time glass-pinched waist
Pouring through closed off stellar-remains stomached
Each Galactic-Center passing-through...
Waited released and let-go.
Dissipate dragging-dimensional nucleating Electro-Mag.
Inner-glass beaded mirror-glass reflecting
and touching touched The Void.
Compressing back-folding
Axial-ellipsoid active mountainous-energetic talent…
Vacuum-Valley-rippling flanking: Space-Escape
In-breathing backwater-steaming streaming…
River-flowing canoe-boat paddling
Animal-hide stretched-over and secured-against:
-An Earthly-Paradise...
Blowing-in-The Wind. A-Life as sailing-towards:
-A Land of Honey and Milk.
Propelled-along as of Everythingness…
Propelling Adventitious-journeying
Working vacant-empty:
Mysteriously-magical Stadium-lighted…
-The Measurers!
Detecting-cracked mirror-image reflexive
Reflecting-accidentally controlling
Routinely embroiled ephemera-seeding
Far-flung littered…
Providing supporting and supported imperative…
Detecting-line and curved edged-etched:
-Universal Black-Hole…starred throughout from the inside…
-Primary-colours Shock-wave…
-Returning bounce-back…
Exacting-plasticity now hard-wiring
Fringing-fractional and with fractal duplicitous-variety
With smoke and steaming mirrors all-around crackling alighted.
Against walls of encompassing shadowing darkness-absorbing
Back not yet-flickering starry candlelit single-sky
Double and triple arched vestibule-gallery
Architecture-installed above, and below as all around:
Heavenly-Angelic and Hellish impish-actor as actress
Through paths and passages crossing and re-crossing:
Set-ahead head-set:
-The Universal-Playground!
-In-Tour Each Our Own:
-Blue Dust-devils!
Spouting stolen-fire.
Vast-region underground inhabiting
Subterranean-darkness. Pallorous-pylorus waxen as artificial Rock-statues stone-countenance brown-leaf autumnal-leaving
Lichen green-legged skinned moustache’od goatee-bearded.
With red-hot talons pitchfork ton
gues of fire…
Rampant The-Lion: Lioness, the-Ram
Ramming boiling pitching-oil tipping tearing at The-soul…
-Demon-pygmy little-devils…
-Dwarf and Pigmy-Cyclops’ All Eyes-Open!
-Dog Horse-headed…
-And headless-beings…
-Tritons watery-Demon:
Amusement-Park phantasm-fantasamagoria…
Chimerical great-originating wraith-like cunning
Wrathful-punishing guarded medicaments taming sheer-fear…
Feeding digesting swallowing activating
Flowing flaring growing spit-shape-changing
Passing-through filling-presence…
Each playground alighted Super-Heroic Godly-tale
Super-Villain Devil-quested
Seeking started-out
On A Hollow dark-journey
To Self.
Distant-laval volcanic-peaked mineral-rock
Fissure-quaking plateau-ridged.
Planed and-troughed pitched and pumped
Repeated almost photo-spherical inert-irregular fractal-clouding
Starry-Galactic Solar-Systemic quintessential-ledged.
Through fluid gas and dust holding-together
Speckled and streaked in-suspension…
In-motion emotion close set-accreting
Circulate-booming and screeching…resounding:
-Sono-luminescent pressure-wave...
Reaching bubbling boiling depleted condensate-sodden:
Once-more burst
Spinning-flows flown and and flung-out.
In clouded-remains to sparkle into the depths…
Vast-spouting and soaring collision-merging
Coalescing and soldering red-hot accelerant…
Blue-receding un-sticking
Spewing-replicating letting-laxative…
De-fecating spitting vomiting hard-baked
-Fluxing-pyrotechnic rock-cannonball…
-As of The-Event: sonic steel-bullets…
Re-bounded as re-seeding
Vigorously flung-out.
Above, and below, and in-between
Visionary-cloud and flaming-imaged.
The Almighty!-lightening thunderous and comedic-laughing:
-All that remains of fears and false-Hopes…
To triumph over-Shame in-futility:
-Reality, humility, work, and The-Turning-Days.
Clouding-over, with tragedy, death and destruction
The sweet-souring smell of death.
Passing through-the-darkness
Constructing-monolithic iron-gated
Hinged and metal-caged cagy brick-walled:
-Hells’ Garden!
-A Universal-Heaven!
2.4. Passing-by as through...
-Mimicking-the-source and surroundings…
Ranged-peaked soaring cliff -edge ledged lodged.
Clouded-climbed and reached
Half-turning facing-wall stuck
Reciprocal-magnetism to be practiced
In waters as by a Sun and Moon
The ebb-and-flow
To the-unstill waters of still dark-glass
Seen through and of them more distantly subtly-perhaps
To-One but not yet the Other:
-By-Saturn! Solar Orb...
-...and the Others’...
To which Each-and-every-Object
Tends: fascination loves and detracts with fear and hatred Loathing terror at possible loss...
ANGER! Beached at shallow-coastline
Stellar Galactic-sea circum-navigating edged.
Scalar-propagating complete-topology
Re-distributive passing-by…as passing-through…
Poured labyrinthine-mazed threads.
In every-direction webbed and tangled.
Tensile-spun silvering-bluish compounding-alloy allied.
Silken-iron steel-caged held-continuously-crossed...
Simultaneously conjoined dis-conjoined.
Never or as most unlikely
To be re-conjoined again, exactly, as before:
-Unique! Linear-circlets, pivotally-balanced…
As if impossibly…steering…
-At-Rest. Halting Stop-starting…
Hovering and glowing emergent out of a fogging-hazing…
The irreversible-maelstrom
Ignited-imploding exploding, again
Each-dying deadened-darkened holding-together.
Ended seemingly-moving yet further apart and all-together
With a hunger, and a thirst, breathless
With-differential twists-and-turning
Apparent stillness shattered with pyromaniacal-ripple
Beyond the-microscopic...
-Cosmic horizon...
In-all direction once more bursting and blasting-back
Proliferating-forces littering incendiary-display
Orienting, towards-and-far, binding keyed-and-locking.
Unlocking charging niche-side and denting packing-cleft:
-Outer pore-letting chain-globular…
By a hair's breadth sweating alternating and opposing
Elongated: extra-spacial special-digital noval-circuit…
Emptying-crackling-flashes over quaking-plains
Pebbled sand-centred expansive dark-pond.
Rippled-like lake-pooled
Plateau-valley lagoon clay-quarried and glassy-EarthCentre granite smashed splintering lacerating-smooth rock-intense inherent burning and cooling.
Organised bamboo cane-speared flint-headed
Prey-to and self-organising dark-gapped
Held, drifting blue-ringed, golden-red.
Paling yellow-orange brown-cooling silver-blue
And whitish darkening densely altering-points…
Variously-tinted wavelength-dimming…
Lit-laser multi-dimensional-faced.
Extraordinary interactive-molecular muscular.
Polar-activating liquid-crystal-display…
Lit-up refractive-bejeweling
Organic-hologram spiked rounded coronal-frequencies
In the emptiness…deep-diffusing
Nebulous-flourishing flourished
Fabulously-fronded truncated branch-and-twig
Snapped-off. Each of Us
Wandering-rock and caved under-dwelling.
Forged-pillar towering postern-fountaining...
Dark-patched patterned-walls
Massively-gorged and-engorging.
Noval-buffeting high-intensity thermal-spectacular:
-Universal-Galactic Starburst!
-Hyper Supernovae!
Nebulous fast fielding; at a distance swarmed.
Star-birthing cloudlets
Spawning incessantly fecund-parenting…
Nodal-photonic circulating and throwing-out coronal balling
Radiating heat-and-light growing dendritic:
-Terrible-Tree shaped…
Alive mineral and water…yet still distantly-closing in light
Sprinkled now starry-celestial:
Backdrop netted webbed, gridded-scaffolding reference-frame-worked.
Turning and drifting-outward and mergent with the beyond
In Super-abundance and twitching-redundancy
Transferring used-cell keeping the new
Losing the old cloning dis-closing…
Hormonal-triggers sparked marked-pheromonal…felt.
Chromosomal-colouring expressive language-learning;
As-if standing up too quickly, brain-blood flow
Head-rushing, each of us podium-extending...
-To brain-Boiling!
-From Brain-freeze.
-Brain-broiling! Cooling- inevitably…
-Re-heating measurably…
Platform-performing stage-performing.
Practicing and practiced-Performers:
-All of Us! Surviving…
-Linear Planetary-planar…
Almost flat-floating silvery-surfing, criss-crossing warp and weft...
Stooping-surface distorted-yielding concentrating
Benefitting-attached learning leaning corruption
Of goodness with unscrupulous-greed yet-stating:
-As well as Self and for-Other…
-Other? As correlate useful sub-clause…
-Classroom Torture-Chamber:
-Personal-fear lust…
-For The Common-Good…
-Against. Hellish blood-letting im-perfect…
As if trespassing on some other-personally sacred-patch.
Contra-petal jellied pink-and-yellow blue and jade silhouetted
Choice and consequence barometric-measurement…
Fungal vegetal-rooted flowering-leaved.
As a cocoon-grubbing cater-pillars
Emergent worming-tunneled-under.
Tailing and facing-forward feeding field-ray radiance
Rending rendering wave-trenchant...
Separating red and yellow, blue and green beaded.
Rosette-inflorescence clouding-over mountainous…
Upon Mountainous dark-Rivering light-pouring glow-worming…
Snaking reed-bedded turning-crystalline radiant-dust.
As-constructed uninstructed learning along The-Path…
Quaked sloshing-inward melted-compressed
Melted melded and by de-compressant.
Breathing in-and-out spun-around as outward:
-By Everything-Else!
Deflating into Our-centres:
-The Centre!
-Of The-Universe!
Spinning spun-outward and away.
From darkened-radiating centre-edges…
In torsion tension-strung dense-darkness.
Faintly-green blue-glittering
Silver white-showering snow-flake…
Dust-rock particles sand-piling dunes
Avalanching-deserts strung-together leaf-toughening roped
Ridged strung-metallic mineral-corded and cabling turning-part…
In-constant movement: the-Sky yellow red-orange and pink-red…
Hot-moisturous misty vast bright-gapped silvery-white…
Nodal-lobed emergent and merging gaseous-liquid
Sponging and spilling as sapping spouting and sprouting
Silver, green grey blue and yellow silver leaf-foil filament.
Localized-shapen and mis-shapen blue-dulled yellow-brown
Flavescent open-lobed leaf-petal-flowering…
Closing-in and around
Budded tipping tubing spiral-sapling
Stemming branching truncated tree-rock.
Bubbling out-laid budding-polyp
Red-brown anemone.
Open-cluster starry-studded
Photo-mapping greyness...
Lumpy-fibrous stranded and bellied-bladdering
Tubular spongy conjoined-ganglion tendrilled sea-creature…
Tentacle-dangling jellyfish armed-limbic grouped.
Tended. With a-tendency gluey sticking-stumped clumping-iron;
Chunking clamped-to as above sea-level patterned sand-flaring Golden set-gemstone crystal-set stellation…
Red and silver-metalled wiry-beaded scaling-formless
Changeling trading Dragonfly moth or butterfly quartered and then twin-winged bat-like spread arms-and-legs.
Spanning winged-gliding
Screaming heard screeching within the whole-separate deep-dark bubbling field-string tied spawning
Teeming…laval-immobile fighting feeding-immature
Swelling ballooning bubbling-point dotted...
Teaming-up again unresisted pupating-streaming…
Egg nested laid-cocoon.
Hanging re-budding…
All-together cresting wave-patterned construct.
Throughout the length and breadth and depth
Echo-wave streamering energised felt-winds…
Ribbed crab-crustacean claw crawling
Moulting fleshed-out limbic-stretched turtle shell-backed.
Scorpion-tailing One on another
Without visible means of support
Except Each Other; immeasurably
Wondrous superlative elephantine-monstrous
Mousy-screeching sona-hearing bat-eared:
Grey-brown fleshed massive spurting sea-cloud.
Monstrous shark-fin silver-rivering tearing through dark-waters.
Blazing explosive-thunder storming overcast-shadowing Transmogrifying fire-breathing:
Lizard on The-Wing
Dried-out cats-eye beached salamander.
Bird beaked straw-nested patched and whispy-brown and grey-layering…
Eagle-feathered Great-Bear-like Bullish-standing furred.
Spiked-striped and leopard-spotted.
Meat and Muscle-pawing…curling-horned claws:
Grazing gazing silver-backed udder-sacked milky-sparkling.
Coiling-tail cometary fiery-monkey magic spangling…
-The Truffle-Hunters…
Strident stud-belted silver-lancing sworded:
The Archer’s arched-quiver braced.
Looped: The Clockmakers and The Clock.
Chiming as One: Something out-there
Chiming of-Everything: Action-Hero!:
-The Active-Universe…
-A Vacuum of nothingness…
Drawing all-in and spitting-out:
Rock-dust scattering balling gas-radiate
Glaring straight-ahead…
Flaring nostrilled-riderless winged.
Terribly-wilded Centaurian-horse hooved pounded.
The Archer drawing-bow
About to fire the flaming-arrow
At the heart of The Galaxy…
-Star-systemic numerous…
Clashing sparking steel horseshoe-postillion.
Driving-ahead running wolferine-dogs alongside
A pounding of a saddle-way
Titanic eight-eyed monstrous-Giant-Gigantic...
Bursting, burning-fluid estuarial.
Eye-veined plasma-bulging bursting flooding-flowing
Venting cosmic beam-ray circling and sizing
Sizzling blue-grey Storm-clouding…
Detonated lightning-sprung bolt-fired.
Rifling bullet-pointed tunneling…
Collisioning-course…puncturing ricocheting…
Mechanical crashing metallic-shielded.
Metal-reflective electric-blue grey-robotic spun cyber-rung.
Veiled-shrouded flayed and twisted.
Racked streaked-striate. Corpuscular red bloodied heart ripped-out...
Clear-emptying lopped vortex-stalk
Growing mushroom-clouding
Rock-tree fruiting
Refracting...and further diffracting…
Moving-images imitated and almost perfectly-reflected.
Against an apparent-depthless distance
Cooled through cavernous rift-valed:
-The SpaceScape…
bsp; Fractal coastal-clouded.
Gaping Space gasping all-around.
A One-Way electro-luminescent returning
-The Eye-of-the-Storm…
-The Centre of The Universe…
Capsular meteoric-Planetary Solar-Star.
Encompassing electro-magnetic attractant and repulsant
Upward and downward and across
Curved-polar pointed colliding colluding…
Ringing radiation-field winding-columnar opened-up.
Cylindrical conic-vortex wondering.
Narrowing-and-widening into a deeply pitted lacuna…
Emergent billowing over-abyssal
Sable desert-dune and poured-plain.
Swirling layer-specked and streaked dappled-eggshell
Grey-clouding yellow creamy spiraling waveform...
Barring-threads across and out of mud and sand wet-clay:
Gemstone-crystal-pillared strongly-arched
A Golden-Egg in the image of the-known…
Unknown dense-deep dark-centred streaked.
Bulging red-yellow orange spilled-out yolk-brown
Blue split-eggshell-cracked content.
From the insides spilt-speckles patterned
Dense blackened-centre encrusted
Risen in one half of the sky:
-The Fiery-Sun...
Encircled: The Singing-Water’s flooded.
EarthCentre: The End of the Universe:
Universal Verses3: The Edge of The Universe.
Substrate...Breathing in Water.
3.1.The Sea
3.3. Return
3.4. Planet
3.5. A Potent Potion
3.6. Larger than Lived...DNA/RNA/SEX
3.7. EndGame: Another little-Journey
3.8 The Sun and Moon
3.9. The Virtual-Stage