The End of the Universe: Universal Verses3: Read online
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water-hating repellant; subversive Secretive dissident diffident feeding-nutritional
Primary autotrophic trophy feature.
Sulphurous yellow ball-feeding waste-excreting
Anaerobic proton positive-strand
Standing with foot and hand.
Alternating-neutral neutralising iso-electric
Neutron entropic-decant...chaining iron-ion monolayering
Electron-molecular oxidizing iron-carbide.
Bloodied and burning-out de-sulphurous...
Hydrogen-sulphide meta-phasal pre-biotic.
Atomic-molecular non-nucleic soft-cellular fleshed
Brought to an abrupt stop tortured electrocuted
A permanent-end continuing exhaling
Inhaling poisoning oxygen released burst liberated Atomising anaerobic oxygen-burning mineral-silicate.
Outer-shell electron friction-burning hydro-sulfurous
Fleshy-membrane burning-through
To the explosive respirating-core: oxidizing-gas...
Of its' our own destruction catastrophic extinction
anoxic poisoning sudden unsupported unsustainable.
Instabilities crashing a whole population too-far
From the hot feeding yellow-sulphurous
Oxygen poisoning-well rising too far
From the electric-core of each and each other
Too far from the burning-Sun saved
Icy wave-lapping surface solar-scorched
Lunar-tidal wave washed-away
Calcium carbonated and fossilised sandy gritted-taupe.
Landward-beached spontaneously-combustible
Burning-out to sink and re-layer the seabed
Settled-back into the deep and dead...
Leaving no-trace but mixed agate
Pock-marked grainy wave-weathered.
Cleft boiling-out heaped bubbling remaindering
Metallic-mineral sand the first of many
Great-dyings particles to rust
Aluminum and white-magnesium sulfate.
Calcite hydrous-phosphate
Sodium chloride magnesium manganese
Golden-uranium and silver plutonium capturing free-electron-positron-radical absorbing oxidal.
Acid nucleo-tidal precursory
Di-valent calcium metal heated-metal sulphide
Calcium-formaldehyde sodium-salt
Soluble ground-nitrogen ring
Helium-combinant carbon-hydrate; inert-carbon
Mineral-building-block watery iron-oxidal
Bloodied turned-porphryn glittering four-pole boundary
Magnesium-chlorophyll planet-planted
Chained-ion mono-layering electron-molecular.
Over alkaline thermal vent stromatolite fossilised microbial colony
Zircon-crystal water-holding life mesophile
At this boiling point of water
Crystal-ice purifying-lattice centring-spore
Speeding template-reaction variating acid-alkaline;
A-series as uncertain as the most uncertain-factor.
Formed on a surface of iron-sulphide core nickel-cobalt Manganese and zinc material-membrane
Amorphous plastic-pyrite magnetite attracting
And rejecting hydrogen-cyanide carbon-cycle
Organic-reaction pioneer niche-culvert
Auto-tropic carbon-fixing monoxide combining
Di-oxide water-gasifying-pathways...
Forming-over and within liquidizing-methane
Ammonia shifting-reaction
Bitter-burnt bitter formose-formaldehyde again
Electrophile-neutral; inflaming holding-on
Managing-remaining conjoined and repeating…
The actively whole self-maintaining
Altering adapting and re-growing
Whole-body part-organising
Spontaneously-changing part-dissipate
Hyper-cycling re-cycling highly-structural
Re-generational self referential multiplying
Hundred thousand million billion trillion...
By any another named nucleotidal-coded chained...
With outside-elements compound chemical-foodstuff
auto-catalytic somatic specied
Homo and heterotrophic sex
Increasing the rate of ex-change
Re-producing variation and version.
Repetitive and memorific each of us uniquely;
If only for the vast difference pertaining between-each. Electromagnetic holding space-similarity
And difference held-apart and snapping-together.
Each of us a slightly and exaggeratingly
More-differentiate more-the-same
Either and/or rapidly folding and refolding
Cosmic earthbound plasma.
Nucleating combined bi-layer, equilibrating test-facility.
Each of us now opening crystalline starry-point Circumstantial-chromosomal synapse snapped, lighted vestibule.
Connecting determining co-incidence, abridging and fanned-out, fringed; gravity-centre
Electromagnetically anchored…
Double-split-screen gating-interwave
Each-slotted lighted rung-bridging
The previous across to the next.
In plasma lipid-vital vitamin-amino acid ferrous-oxide
Electromagnetic nitrogen-fixed
Non-nucleic nucleating acid-chain
Polymerising-proteins self-reproducing molecules
Nucleate self-splicing duplicate.
Archean- prokaryote chained ion-monolayer
Electron-molecular twisting-shielding:
-CHON hydrophobic-bases...
Protected from water-damage synthesing saving
Spinning helical-vortex cellular-moving
In one direction or another:
-Amino acid protein...
Self-supporting membrane-transporting
Oxidizing-movement breathing-in-water.
1.2. Larger than Live...
Mineral proteinious-growing biotic-stabilising
Cell-functioning pretender pretentious...
From the seemingly organized chaotic-surrounding complex-complex-complex...
Once started and surviving holding-on simplex
Self-organising from virtual-chaos...order.
Holding-up somatic as semantic entropic-decay
Feeding from the exterior engulfing
Energising the rapid-decay of self and Other
Re-sounding sounds discharged-below
From the waters and rock error repair or death.
Adaptive-alteration to the environment clear hydrating carbon silicate
Letting nitrogenous-fixing combinant
Pair-centred tubular sodium-chloride
Salt-silt crystal-dissolving conductive
Proteinous polymer:
-CHON amino-acid binding...
Holding paired, triplicate, quarter powering:
-RiboNucleic Acid...
-AGCU four-fold...
Nucleotidal molecular-unitary stacked odds and evens:
-Nitrogen base-fixing pentose-sugar crystalline-compound...
Energisising the chemical-cannon membrane
Firing purifying heating solar-photonic
Sanitising catalyzing our own reproduction
Replication lateral genic-transfer
Cell-culture in-organic phosphilation.
Cyclic-soup, of free-floating triple-nucleotides
Unable to reproduce as yet, but then to grow
Hydrogen bonded triple-codon nucleotidal
Amino-acid nitrogen-base
Alternating cardinal-carbidal
Five-sugar phosphate backbone
Base-strand rodded top-carboxyl
-AG to CT amino acid-matching…
Centriolar microtubule saturated tubular triple bundled Triplicate and triplicate again…
Three-dimensional m
inimal-indivisible twenty-seven point
Tubular-rodded centriolar parsimonious
Perspicacious-providential parsing
Taking-out of the rock and waters expanding
Right-angular turned bracketing leading the way:
-Mostly right-handed D sugars...
-Occasional retrograde left-handed switchback L post split-functioning...
Nucleic post and membrane wall boundary-building
Cell-membrane icy polar-capped receptor and transmission
Fruiting-acid fermenting heating plasmic-sapping
Proteinous-hydrocarbon sticky sugar-stranded
The upper-Sunlight glittering through
Shimmering-patched essential altering
Light-energy resonant.
With any Northern to Southern polar-mantle
East-West solar centring photosensitive:
-DeoxyriboNucleic Acid...
microbial combining-nucleic cellular
Carbon-photo-reduction light burning
Oxygen-sintering ultraviolet-catalysis…
Membrane protein-plasma laminar-lashed
Meshed phototropic nucleolar-threaded
Synapse-paired separating orbital and counter-orbital
Hooked-up loop-stem furry wiry-entangled
Stretched-ciliate stepped hursute fanning-out
Splitting-sharing out-steeped
Reflected and absorbed by-degree
Dragged and screened across vibrant-light
Electro-magnetic force-field.
Fibrous, micro-tubular absorbing, and reflecting array
duplicating long-coiled twisting beaded
Colouring-counters taut-solidifying
Anti-parallel chaining:
Pentagonal hydrogen-cyanide
Tri-phosphate sugary phosphoric-acidic
Storing phos-pholipid-plasma...
Self-selected chemical-triplicate coded-phosphorous
In-place-of-sulphur starlight turbo-charging
Cyclic-nucleotidal catalysing matching co-factorial configuration spun; metallic-alkali
Mineral vital amino-acid building proteinous-bindin
Fibrillar-branch gated and parked.
Sparked-structural-growth, enzyme-synthesizing catalysis...
Co-ordinate proximal-bonding
Mineral metal blocking transmitting and translating
Multiple nucleolar cellular chemical-string
Viral combining and reproducing.
Molded plasmid-pieces snapped-off.
Transporting and seeking to recombine one to another
Or be re-absorbed again olded occupying
From cell-to-cell amongst and within
Rapidly decaying toxic free-radicals.
All needing a base to hideout, to feed off, to grow. Energising compounding macro-molecule.
Multi-cellular transcribing transforming
Transforming sprouted re-compounding...
Helical-pentose carbohydrate:
-Asymmetric L. amino acid-chiral...
-Decisive left-handed, superimposing fitted:
-Right-handed D-sugars abbreviated…
-T. alcohol ethyline...
Acid-sticky smelling sugar-feeding
Salty-sweet flavours mixed-together
Repeating-sequential-coding binary quadrilateral:
-Hyper-cuboidal 27-centriolar:...
-Elements of Romance…
Chromatic mixed-messaging
Swapping tripling cuboidal twenty-seven electron-point...
Empty void-centred thirteenth from any angle
Quadrilateral-switching direction and inclination…
Filling and emptying cellular-orbital
Centring happy-thirteenth spheroidal
Spiraling helical-vortex atomic clouding-shell.
At the twenty-sixth rounding-out from the centre fanning exploded-outwards again.
Conic-rayline quadrilateral-equatorial axial-bundling
Bungling flattened elliptic-disc
String centrimere transposing moving-effortlessly Swimming swarming warming...dis-arming
Legged through the blue to red,
Through yellow and green to purple-blue to brown; Between pure black and white
Underlying light-wavelength and frequency colourant...
Transforming-variation double-ended centriole-polar
Nucleic core-spliced vortex
Co-valence bonding chemically-stimulating
Attracting and conjoined tightly-circular
Spiral-helical ringed-spun stretching-around
Hollow polarity-held columnar axial-voiding
Each-ended and pouring in-and-outwards again.
Oppositional-frictional sparked-abrasive
Split field-tension cellular-space separating…
Held apart gapped and tightly held ring-stacked.
Tubular-spindle spit split-flickering
Outward to the inner-facing cell-membrane-wall
Washing through spicy citric acid bitter-tasted
Slimycalcite chalky-alkali aqueous-solution...
Aromatic halogenic-dissolving evaporating
Into the circulating watery plasma-blooding
Brooding gloomy blooming booming
De-localised molecular-mineral sparkling-starlight.
Across isolated primary-chromosomal
Centred-ouble-nucleic cytoplasmic starchy
By-product floating resistant gum-tannin
Resinous-dissolved re-inert acid-base reactive:
-Vital amino-enzyme reducing-antoxidant...
Catalyzing-carbohydrate proteinous-membrane.
Drawing from and releasing into the surrounding-waters'
Light-capturing photo-phosphorylation
Oxygen-utilizing aerobic amino-acid
Enzyme protein precursor hydrocarbon-pentagonal.
Four-pole spinning-cornered nitrogen crystalline-ring Stable micro-scalar circular paraboloid binding...
Ancestral-cyanobacterial blue-green purple
Porphryn chain-ring algae acid-raining clouded
Evaporate then from the purple-sky.
Hypersaline-trapped inland lakes
Oceanic abundant oxygen and nitrogen-cycling
Over-arching, plasma canopy, working around and underneath
Letting go and lifting-off...
Citric-acid cycle metallic ligands-centred.
In transition binding closed-fusion
Lipid base cell anchored hydro-genosome
Breathing burning-carbon dioxide methano-genetic Anerobic-consuming food and mitochondrial oxygen burning
Discovered-chemical and as viral-immunity protection.
Letting-go tri-phosphate photo-synthesising...
Oxygen dry free-electron waste.
Uncombined with water into hydrogen-sulphide mud-killing
Destroying aerobics’thriving in clearer-seas toweard the surface-atmosphere:
Critter oxygen-collagen glue-held-together superbugging:
Diffuse free-radical electron inside complex host-cell
Developing burn-to-energy
To grow and reproduce; and eventually
Without rivals consumed and accidentals incidentals unaware yet
Slowly maintaining to the end each of our own lives lived; and for as long as possible.
Longer-legged and shorter arm braced
Embracing enrapturing wrapped rapt
Holding-on; gripping-on for mortal safety
Sticking together specious familial now and special Recognising and taking and not taking what is needed
Energetically to feed and to renew another half-life
Saved almost-evenly shared-out keening pairing amino-acid
Protein lock-and-key latched-onto.
Other invaded and multiply
ing pustular lesion-rashes Prompting auto-immune response
Each of us our own species-specific.
Cross-species inevitably mutation-combining
Re-organising and reforming quick and rapid strain-alteration
swollen cell-division: explosion free-lighted chromatic charged binding
short and long-polypeptide molecular-bonded.
Digestible proteinous other seeded magnanimous animous
Each re-centring nucleic attached other microbial-bacterial parasitic-assault
Wipeout-takeover extinction extinguished into-Other
Navigating the-Earthly and Universally
Oceanic-floating semi-fluid quilting-layers
Streaming-out ciliate bristling long-stranded flagellate.
Spiraling-over the congealing matted molding moulding ground
Between solution and fine suspension whistling chromatic-gelatinous
Bubbles screeching and squealing inward-colloidal
Essential and of immediate-necessity.
Each of us moving-off; aquiflexing
Spherical bobbing self-centering chamber
Over as well as underwater stranded strung limbic-balled
Bowled and bowling-along life size microscopic building
Ggasiferous respiring energetic; microbial earthy-spore
Re-energising time and again naturally easily
Motoring motile muscling-along.
Twisted-string inwardly watery jet-propelled filament Rooted to the centre core cyanobacterial
Turning-away from and towards and beyond the burning sunlight; listed-away from the still roaring hot-core.
Surrounding plasma waters sustaining more
With sufficient consistent-gravity, and electromagnetic charge...
Constructive-patterning trial and error; repeatable
Reproductive working-against randomness
Now tougheneing-holding cell-membrane
Energetic electro-chemical fixing-attraction and accretion Electron-negative and and Proton switching photo-synthesis
Imbibing continuously from the oceanic outside
Substrate deposited-surface sticky-viscous lubricant;
Insulating black-brown yellow-green lipid
Crude immiscible mixed occurring methyl-petroleum Rock oils broken-down base ground acid
Elective nucleic-kernel not knowing-how
But as if knowing-how.
Resistant fleshy-phospholid membrane.
Spontaneously form-changing as if constantly-supernoval
Stellar-microcosm core
Energy-gain released warmed and warming.
Colliding and combining-process fusing
Atomic-ranging snapped-up
Maternal-mitochondrial oxygenating energy-release.
Paternal-phosphate firing respirating organelle
Parasitic-archaic chromosomal nucleic-energizing:
-ATP Generating…
Sugar-fuel super-burning increased heating and cooling
Preserving warming sugary sweet sticky
Rewarding-information energy-transfer:
- Meta-morphosing...
Metabalising compartments' proteinous animal-tissue forming
Crystalline matrix-membrane sticking with the invader enwrapping
tolerated-tolerant tolerating...
The Greater-tolerance cycling hurdling inflaming...
Over-giving energetic-protein sac-wrapped.
Defending and supporting strengthening and heavier now
The need to select and multiply with further-immunity
Mutual-helper and attached potential killer-body.
Anti-body released to divide and thrive.
Equivocating-electronic resistance and combining calculator and rapidly increasing reproductive-rate:
Complex-cycling de-nucleate merging the atomic-cell
Cytoplasm dissolving continuously atomic-combination:
-Fractal-patterning...repeating turning internal proteinous-congealing immature reflecting inside cell-wall
Now shopping-mall or theatre-hall.
Shaping touching seeded organelle forming...
consequential chaining-nuclear slopping,
shopping small circular-elliptic,
by-now highly misshapen…shopping-out,
floating fibrous columnar fielding, congealing floated organelle parts:
-And Some!
sieved-wrapped, folding resistant-barrier,
slotted, slatted bright and darkly-layered.
Colour-chromosomal energy activating, plasma sloshing,
variously glistering crystalising sluicing thick liquid.
Allowing and disallowing, in and out of culvert,
between conic formed niche and crevice, bracketed, stranded compound-soaked...
Saturate de-limiting spun-rim, drawn-in mineral,
liquid gaseous-passage, blocked exit;
bulging, expansive to proximal-exhaustion...
from the outside, emptying-centrifuging,
filling the outer organising-membrane.
Centriolar swollen, bloating body-bag, sagging,
under pressure to give way.
Overweight, pregnant, parenting, pairing-pared;
selective heterotroph, to combine, feed, and multiply again.
greedy, and-overcharged, through to the nuclear-centre, separating inner segment hanging sideways,
arching-curving downwards, saddling torus buckling;
with a searing and tearing